Grades not so hot? Check out these best colleges for B students.
Sure you want to go to college, but are you worried you won't get into a top college because of your grades or SAT score?
For you “B” and “C” average students out there, you still have some options on where to go to college.
While getting accepted to the hardest colleges to get into may be a stretch (even students with all A's don't get in), don't worry, there are still plenty of colleges out there for you to get a quality education and still have a good chance of getting in.
Of course, if you are really concerned about getting in, you could go to your local community college for two years and then transfer to an in-state 4-year school. Many states have guaranteed admission programs like this, where if you complete a 2-year degree from a community college you will be guaranteed admission into an in-state university.
Another thing to do if your grades aren't exactly where you'd like them to be is to study and prepare well for the SAT. Showing colleges a high SAT score can help you out a lot. Perhaps you just weren't challenged enough in high school?
Recommended Resources:
Another strategy is to look at schools that offer the highest admission rate.
These schools typical offer admission to 96%-100% of applicants:
- Weber State University
- Shawnee State University
- Utah Valley University
- Wayne State College
- University of Texas - El Paso
- Evergreen State College
More: See Easiest Colleges to get into
If you are considering online colleges, be sure to check out these online schools that have a 100% acceptance rate:
American InterContinental University
Best Colleges for B Students
Here is a recommended list of colleges by location that you should consider in your college search.
Hofstra University
Seton Hall University
Syracuse University
University of Delaware
University of Hartford
Villanova University
Baylor University
Florida State University
Oklahoma State University
Texas A&M University
Texas Tech University
University of Alabama
University of Kentucky
University of Oklahoma
Indiana University - Bloomington
Iowa State University
Kansas State University
Michigan State University
Ohio University
Purdue University
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Missouri
Arizona State University
University of Oregon
University of Colorado
Washington State University
Of course, when doing your college search, don't limit yourself to just this list. This shouldn't be considered as a "complete" list of colleges for "B" or "C" students, just some recommendations. Consider this a list of extra schools to consider on top of the other schools you are planning to apply to. Many of these schools also make good safety schools, in case you don't get into the college you really want to.
A good bet would be to pick up a big book of colleges at your local bookstore, and use your stats (GPA, SAT score) to see what kind of colleges you have a good shot of getting into. Every student out there is different. Nobody knows yourself more than you, so when looking through those college guide books look for colleges that will fit not only your academic stats (GPA, SAT score, ACT), but your personality as well.
Tips for Applying to College without Good Grades
- If you are a B or C student, really sell yourself on the admissions essay. What makes you different and unique? What are your strengths? Try and tell a compelling story.
- You can still apply to that top college you want to go to. There is always a chance. Just be sure to back it up by applying to a few safety schools, as well as an in-state public university or two.