Graduating from college can be a tough, but exhilarating experience for some individuals. Now is the time to put the books down and enter what we call the "real world". Some of you may have jobs lined up already, while others may choose to return to living in their parents basement. Whatever route you take, use these resources to help ensure you will move on to a successful career.
For many fresh out of college, it can be a tough time as you have the degree all employers want, but lack the work experience that all employers usually require. It's these next four or five years that will really set the pace to a successful career.
Recommended Resources:
Career Sites
Use these sites to explore careers, search for jobs, build job contacts and prepare yourself for life after college.
- LinkedIn - The world's largest professional networking site.
- CareerBuilder - Job Search.
- Firsthand - Research companies, careers and everything else related to your job search.
- CollegeGrad.com - Career website for entry-level job search for recent college grads.
- After College - Find jobs in the largest career network for recent graduates.
- College Recruiter - Entry-level job search and an assortment of career-related tools for recent graduates.
Career Tools
- Salary Calculator - Determine possible salaries based on location and job title.
- Career Assessment Test - A free career test to determine what type of career you are personally fit for.
Resume Tips
- Example Resumes - A collection of free sample professional resumes for job seekers.
- Beautiful Resume Ideas - Make your resume stand out by using a unique design.
- Example Cover Letters - Free cover letter samples, including those specifically for recent college grads.
Job Interview Tips
- How to Prepare for a Job Interview - Steps to take before you enter the interview.
- 50 Interview Questions and how to approach them.
- Interview Questions and Answers - 23 of the most common interview questions and how to answer them.
Useful Career Articles
- Best Cities for Jobs - Also see the worst cities for jobs.
- Recession Proof Jobs - Protect yourself in a slumping economy with these careers.
- Best Places to Work for - America's top 100 employers, including detailed company profiles, top locations, and contact information.
Internships/Starting Out
- Best College Internship Programs - A top 10 list of internships based on actual work experience, benefits and perks of the job.
- Top 100 Internships - List of the 100 best internships.
- Best Entry Level Jobs - A perfect list for recent grads.
Grad School
- Ranking of Grad Schools - America's Best Graduate Schools ranked in a variety of disciplines.
- Should you get an MBA? - This business school calculator determines the gain on your MBA.
- GMAT - The standardized test commonly used for admission into an MBA program.
- Salaries by Degree - Check out your income possibilities of obtaining a higher degree.