Being able to download textbooks from the Internet saves you from the time and hassle it takes getting textbooks at the college bookstore. This form of textbook not only costs less, but is much easier to carry around. Now you can experience the ease and convenience of studying with eTextbooks for free.
Amazon eTextbook Trial
Amazon is offering a free trial to those who wish to try out eTextbooks. Amazon is the largest digital bookseller in the world, with the majority of their textbooks now being available in eTextbook form.
Many eTextbooks are eligible for a free seven-day trial, including all the titles listed here on the Amazon eTextbook page.
Simply head on over to Amazon and search for your textbook by Title or ISBN. Once you have selected your book, click on the ‘Try the eTextbook for free’ button.

After getting the free Kindle reading app to view the eTextbook, you'll have free access to the digital version of the textbook for 7 days. When the free trial ends, you can purchase the eTextbook if you wish to continue using it.
This free trial provides a great opportunity for students who have yet to use eTextbooks by giving them a chance to test the usability of digital textbooks. Some students will appreciate the convenience of using eTextbooks, while other students may find they still prefer traditional print textbooks when studying.
Being able to access your textbook on your device (smartphone/laptop/iPad) with these eTextbooks makes studying on the go convenient. This is also the case with audiobooks. Take advantage of the technology that enables you to become a more efficient student. But first, see if it’s for you by jumping on the 7-day trial offered by Amazon.
VitalSource Free eTextbook Trial

We reached out to Bryan R. from VitalSource customer support and found that VitalSource, who has a large selection of etextbooks, offers a way to do a trial of etextbooks.
You have two options to try out VitalSource eTextbooks:
Option 1:
If you have not done so, create a free VitalSource account. After account creation, visit the eTextbook sample catalog and select a few eBooks to test out -- click "Read Now". Also, be sure to test out the eBook using the VitalSource offline reader available on compatible devices. -
Option 2:
If you want to try out the actual eBook you are wanting to purchase, first review VitalSource Return Policy guidelines. If you find that you are able to return the item per the Return Policy link, then you may proceed with purchasing the eBook. If you are not satisfied with the eBook or program, first reach out to VitalSource and explain what the issue is to see if they are able to resolve it for you. If you are still not satisfied then you are able to return the eBook for a full refund, pending it follows the Return Policy guidelines.
Bonus: Those interested in audiobooks can also try one for free.
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