Fraternities and sororities can be found at most college campuses across the nation. Due to the popularity of Greek life at college, students often wonder what are the benefits of joining a fraternity or sorority.
With multiple benefits that include scholarship, service, brotherhood/sisterhood, and leadership, Greek social organizations can open up a whole new world to the average college student.
Being in a fraternity or sorority is like having a home away from home. No offense to those living in a dorm, but the living constraints of a dorm room are far from a homey atmosphere.
There are many advantages to joining a fraternity or a sorority, which is why going Greek is such a popular part of attending any college or university. Joining a fraternity or sorority has its social and academic purposes, but its greatest purpose is the life long friendships and the bond of sisterhood and brotherhood it gives you.
Greeks are very social, as fraternity and sorority houses participate in a number of social events throughout the school year, including: intramural sports, dinners, dances, barbeques, homecoming parties, and Greek weeks. These events will offer you a good time and a perfect opportunity to meet with people of the opposite sex.
Yes, Greek life gives you access to parties, but there are also many life long benefits of joining the Greek system outside of partying.
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Going Greek can help you with leadership, scholarship, growth, graduation, and investment, but it's something that is going to demand your time and money. Yes, it may cost a lot but many agree it's well worth the price. Pledging can become pretty time consuming, but may be well worth it when you factor in the benefits of joining as many Greek students will agree that joining a fraternity/sorority was one of the best things they did in college.
When looking to join the Greek system, it is important to rush and find a fraternity or sorority you best fit in with at your campus. Just remember to be yourself and make a good decision when selecting your fraternity or sorority, as you will be a member for life. A membership requires dues though, which support the local chapter and the national organization. Fees vary from chapter to chapter and from campus to campus. Be sure to discuss this fully when rushing.
You will have the opportunity to meet students with a wide variety of different backgrounds and interests as a member of a fraternity or sorority. It is a great way to network with people both during and after college. Since fraternities and sororities have chapters all over the country, members are always willing to lend a helping hand to a fellow brother. Some Greek organizations are so large, there are a couple hundred thousand members spread out through the country. This type of connection can really help you with landing that great job right out of college. A study conducted once found that 85% of Fortune 500 executives are members of a Greek organization.
Joining a fraternity or sorority can also be beneficial to academics. This may go against popular belief that the excessive partying of Greek life can impact your grades and GPA. Fraternity and sorority communities encourage the development of high achievement in the scholastic department and most have a GPA requirement. With a wide range of backgrounds, members can help each other with peer tutoring and chapter study hours. Also, upperclassmen can advise you on the right courses to take, the professors and instructors to look for, and how to excel in a particular area of study.
Being a member of a Greek organization also helps build leadership qualities, as each member is usually assigned some specific duty or event. Every member of the sorority or fraternity contributes in one way, not only in helping each other out, but in running a national organization. Being an officer in a Greek organization will train you to manage a budget, motivate others, run an effective meeting and to master public speaking. Not only are these skills useful in college, but they will be beneficial for the rest of your life. With all the leadership skills and community service a membership in a Greek organization provides, it will look great on any resume. Graduating from college is a large part of succeeding and getting a good job, but building strong leadership skills and making life long connections is just as important.
Why Join a Fraternity/Sorority?
It is a fact that Greek organizations as a whole earn a higher average GPA than the rest of the campus and also have a higher graduation rate. Academic success is a core in every chapter and each organization has an individual scholarship program, sets minimum standards for membership, and keeps you in line through both incentives to get good grades and punishments for not achieving your potential.
- Scholarships—receive money for your academic achievement either from your own chapter or nationals.
- Academic Advising—get help choosing classes and professors.
- Study Banks—use the chapter’s notes and old exams for review in certain classes.
- Study Tables/Hours—many chapters require their members to study a certain amount of time per week and organize study sessions to achieve that end.
The Greek system on most campuses is the most involved and active when it comes to community service. They raise the most money and put in the most hours all for the greater good. Individual chapters typically have their own organization which they focus on, but at the same time, they support many other philanthropic associations. Not only does the community service show your charitable side to future employers, you know that you were part of something greater than yourself and lent a hand to your fellow man.
This is perhaps the best part of being a fraternity or sorority member. As a brother or sister, it is something that can't be explained to someone who isn’t a member. It’s something that each person must experience for themselves. It is hard to describe the level of camaraderie and friendship that you feel with each and every member of your chapter. You will see them at their best and their worst. You will fight and disagree with them. You will go places and do things that you never would have been able to do before. You will share your college life with them. Most of all, you will have a group of not just friends, but true brothers or sisters who you can call upon for anything, anytime, anywhere. It’s a feeling you can only truly experience while in the Greek system and it’s not one that you should lightly pass up.
Greek life offers you more at college than any other comparable organization at that level. You are able to utilize a support system at your university that will enhance your college life. As a fraternity or sorority member, you will be given numerous opportunities to hold a dynamic and important position within your chapter and the entire Greek population. Good chapters strongly encourage and assist in developing the leadership potential of their members.