The UCLA Higher Education Research Institute conducted a survey of students in their first year of college. The survey was taken by over 25,000 first-year college students. Questions were designed to analyze the academic and personal development progress of students through their first year in college.

Obviously there is a big change going from high school to college. This survey takes a look at the multiple aspects students face when going through this adjustment phase. Among them is time management.

In the transition from high school to college, first-year students have found themselves spending much more time studying and doing homework. However, these students are still able to find a balance between academics and extracurricular activities, as nearly 80% of those surveyed agreed so.

Students were asked how much time they spent per week on various activities. Here is what the majority of those surveyed reported.

How College Students Spend their Time

Activity Hours per week
Attending Classes 11-15 hours
Studying/homework 6-10 hours
Socializing with Friends 6-10 hours
Exercising/Sports 3-5 hours
Social Networks (facebook) 3-5 hours
Partying 3-5 hours
Watching TV 1-2 hours
Talking w Professors outside of class <1 hour
WorkingMost first year students do not work, but of those that did: majority worked 6-10 hours
Student Clubs/GroupsThe majority of students do not participate in student clubs, but of those that did: majority participation required 1-2 hours per week.
SleepingWhen students were asked if they get adequate sleep, 61.3% reported only "Occasionally", while 14.9% reported "Not at all".

Other related surveys

The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducted a Time Use Survey to look at how the average college student spends their weekday. They found the typical college student spends 3.3 hours engaged in educational activities, 3.1 hours working, 8.3 hours sleeping, and 3.7 hours doing leisure and sports activities.

Student Time Use